War Thunder - German Starter Pack

Welcome, guideoui.com visitors. In this guide, We try to focus on Best Vehicles by Nations in War Thunder game. These vehicles are also ranked from I to V. While writing this guide, We pick up many pieces of information from several sites for you. We hope that this guide will help you.

War Thunder is a vehicular combat multiplayer video game developed and published by the Moscow video game developer studio Gaijin Entertainment.Announced in 2011, it was first released in November 2012 as an open beta with a worldwide release in January 2013; it had its official release on 21 December 2016. Recently I've been playing War Thunder, a free to play, cross platform, MMO military vehicle-based combat game. In this video, I was using a mix of the Germa. The impetuous German SdKfz 140/1 and a powerful He 112 B-1/U-2, premium bonuses, 7 days of Premium account and Silver Lions - it's everything required for a confident victory in the early ranks of War Thunder! Thrustmaster is proud to launch a limited edition pack for PS4: War Thunder Starter Pack, with the T.Flight Hotas 4, the first Plug & Play joystick for PlayStation 4. Enjoy an ergonomic and realistic joystick designed to adapt to all types of flights (aerial combat, space adventure, civil flight, etc.). War Thunder packs; To top. Cookie-files This website uses cookies. By continuing to access this website you are giving consent to cookies being used.


There is a page that consists of just the best USA vehicles. You can see by click here

Tier I
Of course, it’s m22, one of the smallest and fastest tanks ever, you can take it even on tier IV, his gun can penetrate side armor of King Tiger.

+very fast
+very small
+good gun for its BR (fast reload, good penetration)
-no more binoculars to spot enemies
-slow turn in place

Tier II
After buff M4A1 with 105mm short gun get 2.7 BR, that makes this tank fight against 1.7 sometimes.

+good frontal armor
+.50 cal browning at 2.7
+good main gun
+stabiliser but weak
-very slow turret rotation

Tier III
After Sherman Jumbo get nerfed, the M18 Hellcat is best tier III American vehicle.

+very fast
+good gun
+fast reverse speed
-no armor (hullbreak)

Tier IV
As many good tanks we have at American tier 4, but we dont have any “BEST tier 4 american tank”
Im gonna show you one of best tier 4 tank, American T34.

+very good frontal turret armor
+good gun
+2x .50 cal brownings
+good turret rotation speed
-weak mobility
-slow reloading

Tier V
Im not sure about good tier 5 vehicles after XM-1 gets to tier 6. However i found M48A1 really good tank

+faster than M60
+cheaper than M60
+better armor
-worse gun


There is a page that consists of just the best Germany vehicles. You can see by click here

War Thunder - German Starter Packet

Tier I
Not a tank but anti-air vehicle Pz.38 “Gepard” 64mm pen with almost no reload makes it deadly against first tier, however only 2 crew members.

+good gun(penetration, reloading)
+can destroy planes
-2 crew members

Tier II
88mm flak truck, pz. IV F2 or Puma? of course PUMA! Truck gets nerfed several times, pz. IV F2 is very good tank, but Puma can fight against any tier if you have skills tho.

+very fast
+fast reverse speed
+fast reload
+no armor best armor (no hullbreak at its BR, except some 15cm guns)
-a bit slow turret rotation speed
-meh penetration against T-34 or shermans
-hard to drive on high speed

Tier III
Uhhh can’t see any “BEST” german vehicle at third tier, but “Tiger E” is all ways better than “Tiger H1”

+better speed than tiger H1
+good gun
+good turret frontal armor
+can unlock additional armor
-weak mobility
-a bit slow turret rotation speed

Tier IV
Hard choice between King Tiger and Panther II, however if you have “Tiger II (Sla.16)” you have best tier 4 german tank

+good maximum speed for heavy tank, however you can reach it only when drive off the hill
+very good armor(better side armor than original king tiger)
+very good gun
+good turret rotation
-nearly impossible to get “Tiger II (Sla.16)”
-weak mobility

Tier V
Leopard I is an absolute leader here

+fast speed
+very good gun
+fast reverse speed
-bad armor


There is a page that consists of just the best Germany vehicles. You can see by click here

Tier I
BT-5 is soviet fast reserve tank, can fight against high tier tanks.

+fast speed
+good gun for its BR
+reserve vehicle
+russian bias
-bad armor (hullbreak if you take it on high BR battles)

Tier II
of course one of T-34’s here, the “T-34 (1942)“.

+fast speed
+fast turret rotation speed
+good armor angle
+impossible to pen 75mm hatch
+additional armor
-meh reload speed

Tier III
A lot of cool vehicles USSR have on this tier, but T-34-57 is most OP after penetration changes.

+very good gun(penetration, reloading speed, projectile speed)
+good armor
+fast speed
+fast turret rotation
-meh armor against 5.3
-no additional armor

Tier IV
T-44 is most powerful gopnik

+very good armor
+very fast speed
+fast turret rotation
+better penetration than T-34-85
-repair cost
-hardly can pen Tiger II in front

Tier V
Do you think I put T-54 here, after all those nerfs? no! T-54 isn’t good anymore(repair price, shell price, penetration compared to other 7.7 tanks, mobility, remember when it was 7.3?
The new leader now is stronk “Zsu-57-2”

+very good guns(twin 57mm, 132mm pen after update, very good ballistic, very fast reload speed, good damage)
+very fast turret rotation
+can shot down slow planes and choppers
+fast speed
+very cheap
+can be used against 10.0
-no armor(hullbreak)

Great Britain

There is a page that consists of just the best Germany vehicles. You can see by click here

Tier I
Crusader Mk.III aka “tier 1 MBT” or “smoke machine”, its one of best tanks in game, can fight against any vehicle except E-100 and Maus.

+very good gun (120mm penetration at 2.7, fast reload speed and fast projectile speed)
+very fast turret rotation
+no armor best armor (no hullbreak)
+50 smoke grenades (record)
+stabiliser (weak tho)
-cant penetrate maus or e-100

Tier II
100mm frontal armor at 3.0 with 75mm gun? 3inch gun carrier!
can’t get penetrated by t-34 and kv-1 but avoid Pz. IV or japanese tanks.

+very good armor
+good gun
-very slow speed (reversed too)

Tier III
Comet I is not overpowered, but very good tank if you skilled player, however even you can play well you can’t damage enemies well…

+fast speed
+good gun (penetration, ballistics)
+20 smoke nades
-very bad reverse speed
-weak damage

Tier IV
Caernarvon is tank with hull of Conqueror and turret from Centurion, but BR still 6.7.

+very good hull armor and good turret armor
+good gun (penetration, ballistics)
+good reverse speed (compared to previous british tanks)
+Stabilised turret
-meh mobility
-repair cost

Tier V
Even with no armor and no fast speed “Vickers MBT” is best tier 5 tank, compared to leopard 1 this tank have 7.0 BR, stabiliser, faster reload.

+very good gun(penetration, ballistics, reloading speed)
+stabilised turret
-bad armor
-repair cost


There is a page that consists of just the best Germany vehicles. You can see by click here

Tier I
Chi-Ha Kai is the only first tier Japanese vehicle I can call good, sadly Ho-Ro is a skilled vehicle to use to compare with Chi-Ha Kai.

+good gun
+5 crew members
-bad armor

Tier II
“Ta-Se” can destroy planes and tanks on its BR, however penetration is worse than “Gepard’s”

+fast turret rotation speed
+good gun
+fast speed
+can destroy planes
-bad armor

Tier III
If you skilled player, you will like to play on “Chi-Ri II“, if not, buy Chi-Nu II.

War Thunder - German Starter Pack

-fast speed
-very good gun (autoloader)
-second gun (to trick your enemies)
-meh armor

Tier IV
Ho-Ri “Production” is blueprint, alternative to “Ferdinand”, but better

+good armor
+good gun
+fast speed
-very expensive repair price

Tier V
See how “many” tier 5 Japanese vehicles we got? However by all this quantity I can tell you which is best, STB-1 is Japanese Leopard 1, however better a lot!

+fast speed
+fast reverse speed
+very good gun
+adjustable suspension
+stabilised turret
+good binoculars
-repair cost


There is a page that consists of just the best Germany vehicles. You can see by click here

Tier I
AB.41 compared to AS.42 have armor to protect against artillery and bullets.

+very fast speed
+good gun(penetration, 20mm autocannon)
+can used against planes (hardly)
+fast reverse speed
-very bad armor (hullbreak from 75mm)

Tier II
AB.43! why AutoBlinda again? because it’s fast and can be used against high tier vehicles,
and since “R3 T20” get to tier 3.

+very fast speed(faster than AB.41)
+fast reverse speed
+pizza camo
-very bad armor (hullbreak from 75mm)
-slower reloading speed than M15/42

Tier III
75/46 M43 or Breda 501, well M43 got good armor, good gun and slow speed, Breda 501 have everything that M43 has, but better! except for armor.

+fast speed
+very good gun
+pizza camo
-no armor (hullbreak)

Tier IV
Aubl 74, is 1974 prototype armored car with 90mm gun, very fast deadly, however not armored well.

+very fast speed
+fast reverse speed
+good gun
+good turret rotation speed
-no armor (hullbreak)

War Thunder German Starter Pack

Tier V
B1 “Centauro” better than OF-40, because it’s faster and stabilised, they both have bad armor.

+very fast speed
+fast reverse speed
+good gun
+stabilised turret
-bad armor (hullbreak)

War thunder - german starter pack kit


There is a page that consists of just the best Germany vehicles. You can see by click here

Tier I
definitely H.39

+good armor
+fast reloading speed
-weak mobility

Tier II
B1 Bis is 2.0 Maus!

+very good armor
+two cannons
+fight against 1.0 vehicles
-slow speed
-slow reloading

Tier III
Since Jumbo gets nerfed I put ARL-44 (ACL-1) here. Can not get penetrated by Soviet/American tanks, but can be penetrated by German/Japanese tanks.

+very good frontal armor
+good gun
+fast speed (for heavy tank)
-bad side armor

Tier IV
Lorraine 40t or AMX-50? nope! Char 25t, lower BR, faster, cheaper but still expensive.

+fast speed
+fast reverse speed
+good gun (fast reloading speed)
+frontal armor protected with fuel tank and engine
-very expensive repair cost

Tier V
AMX-30 is MBT that probably better than Leopard I.

+fast speed
+fast reverse speed
+very good gun
+20mm autocannon
-meh armor
-repair cost

This is the ending of War Thunder – All Best Vehicles by Nations guide. I hope it will help you. If there is wrong or you have suggestions, please let’s know and comment us. Have fun.

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Gift, also known as Pack or Bundle, aircraft are vehicles in the game that are unable to be purchased straight from the game's interface, requiring it to either be purchased from the Gaijin Store, given out during events or in promotions.

The vehicles considered gift and their obtainable methods are:


  • A-26C-45 — Obtainable as a reward for purchasing an MSI notebook computer, or as a reward during two 2013 contests and a 2016 Facebook contest.
  • A-26C-45DT — Modified to be a Playstation4 exclusive when an aircraft bundle is purchased.
  • Bong's P-38J-15 — Obtained during the 2016 'Chronicles of World War II' after completing 22 'Aircraft Tasks'.
  • Bostwick's P-47M-1-RE — It was introduced during Update 1.49 'Weapons of Victory' and purchasable as a 2015 Weapons of Victory pack and later as a 2019 Black Friday Sale pack. Its sale from the store was discontinued after the 2020 May Sale but has since been made available for purchase in the store for specific mini-events like the 2020 D-Day sale.
  • F4U-4B VMF-214 — Obtainable as an Xbox exclusive vehicle when purchasing a pack.
  • F7F-3 — It was introduced during Update 1.61 'Road to Glory' in the Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. event of 2016.
  • F11F-1 — Vehicle introduced during Update 'Starfighters', obtainable as a reward for the 2020 Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. event for 10 marks of distinction for pilots.
  • F-86F-35 — Obtained as a purchasable pack since Update 1.85 'Supersonic'.
  • FJ-4B VMF-232 — It was introduced in Update 1.79 'Project X' as the main reward for the Good Old S.U.M.M.E.R event 2018.
  • Kingcobra (USA) — It was introduced Update 1.77 'Advancing Storm' during the 'Flying Serpent, Crouching Tiger' event spanning between 31 March to 03 April 2018.
  • Lanovski's P-47M-1-RE — This aircraft was introduced in Update 1.83 'Masters of the Sea' but has only been made available for purchase in-game () for specific mini-events like the 2018 'Centenary of Poland Regaining Independence' event or the 2020 '102 Year Anniversary of Poland Regaining Independence' event.
  • P-26A-34 — Obtainable once in the 2014 Thanksgiving sale as a reward for buying two discounted packs, the second in the 2015 US Independence Day event as a prize in a tournament.
  • P-38K — It was introduced during Update 1.53 'Firestorm' when it became available as part of a Christmas Sale Bundle in 2015, and again in the 2017 Summer Sale in the 'Daredevil'
  • P-40C — It was introduced during Update 1.75 'La Résistance' in the 2017 Festive Quest that took place between 22 December 2017 to 22 January 2018. It was obtained via completing 7 pilot's Christmas toys.
  • P-43A-1 — It was introduced during Update 1.69 'Regia Aeronautica' in the Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. event of 2017.
  • P-51A — Obtainable through the 2014 Thunder League tournament through completing 5 Sky Challenges or by the stream giveaways.
  • P-51D-10 — The P-51D-10 was once available in a bundle pack that was removed during Update 1.57 'Battle March'. It was made available again in Summer 2017 in several instances, first in the 2017 Summer Sale in the 'Daredevil' bundle, then in the July Warbonds that can be bought for 3000 .
  • P-51D-20-NA — Obtainable by purchasing the Mustang Pack.
  • P-59A — Obtainable as a reward in the Summer 2019 Operation H.E.A.T.
  • PV-2D — It was introduced in Update 1.67 'Assault', during the 2017 World War Two: Chronicle event, unlocked after obtaining 6 Chronicle Awards. Can potentially be purchased on the Gaijin Marketplace.
  • Rasmussen's P-36A — Used to be obtained through the Pacific Advanced Pack DLC pack as an exclusive bonus if purchased through Steam. Currently can be purchased in the US Beginner's Pack.
  • XF5F — Obtainable during several events in 2014, 2016 and 2017. Can potentially be purchased through the Gaijin Marketplace.
  • XP-38G — Purchasable in the Gaijin Store in the USA Pacific Campaign (1941-1942) pack.
  • YP-38 — It was introduced during Update 'Raining Fire' and is purchasable in the Gaijin Store in the USA Pacific Campaign (1941-1942) (YP-38) pack.


  • Ar 196 A-3 — It was introduced during the Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. 2020 and was obtained with 5 marks of distinction for pilots.
  • Bf 109 E-7/U2 — Obtainable through war bonds - vehicle trophy I for 14 tasks and 3400 war bonds, was first given out in Thunder League
  • Bf 109 G-2 — Was obtainable in the 'Scout Pack' along with the Pz.II H
  • Bf 109 Z — Obtained via a purchasable pack in Update 1.79 'Project X', it was removed after the 6th War Thunder Anniversary sale. It was temporarily brought back during the 2018 Winter Sale.
  • Bf 110 C-6 — Obtainable as a reward in the Summer 2019 Operation H.E.A.T.
  • Fw 189 A-1 — It was introduced during Update 1.61 'Road to Glory' in the 'Operation S.U.M.M.E.R.' event of 2016.
  • Fw 190 C — Was obtainable as a reward during the 2018-19 Festive Quest event for 10 Christmas toys for pilots.
  • Fw 190 D-13 — Obtainable by purchasing the Dora Pack through the Gaijin store.
  • He 51 B-2/H — Was given as one of the presents on 2014 War Thunder's birthday and later on 2015 Day of German Unity.
  • He 112 B-2/U2
  • He 162 A-1 — It was introduced in Update 1.73 'Vive la France' as an event aircraft. The requirement to win the He 162 A-1 was to be in the top 8 in the 1 vs 1 Victory Tournaments or 5 vs 5 Victory Tournaments.
  • Hs 129 B-2 (Romania)
  • Ju 388 J — Was obtainable as second-tier reward during the Battlefield Engineer event of 2019.
  • Marcolin's C.R.42 CN (Germany) — Was a premium starter plane for Germany until the release of the Italian tech tree.
  • Me 262 A-2a — Was obtainable in the 2016 Winter Holiday.
  • Sea Hawk Mk.100 — Obtainable by purchasing the Sea Hawk Pack through the Gaijin store.

Soviet Union

  • Be-6 — This aircraft was introduced in Update 1.71 'New E.R.A'. It was discontinued after the 2018 Victory Day sales. Now purchasable for 3,850 GE.
  • Dolgushin's La-7 — It was introduced during Update 1.49 'Weapons of Victory' and purchasable as a Weapons of Victory pack.
  • Golovachev's Yak-9M — It was introduced during Update 1.49 'Weapons of Victory' and purchasable as a Weapons of Victory pack.
  • I-29 — It was introduced during Update 1.73 'Vive la France' as part of a vehicle giveaway on War Thunder's 5th anniversary.
  • I-301 — It was introduced during Update 1.43 as part of a giveaway in the 2014 Winter Holiday event.
  • I-180S — Was obtainable as the initial reward during the Battlefield Engineer event of 2019.
  • IL-2M 'Avenger' — Is purchasable during some special events from the Gaijin Store.
  • La-11 — It was introduced in Update 1.65 'Way of the Samurai' and obtainable by buying Lavochkin pack which is now discontinued.
  • La-174 — A rare fighter that has only been obtainable during a mini-event commemorating Semyon Lavochkin's birthday on September 11.
  • LaGG-3-4 — Introduced with the Open Beta Test, it is not obtainable, only given to developers and people who have contributed to the game in a large manner.
  • LaGG-3-23 — Was given as one of the presents on 2014 War Thunder's Anniversary.
  • LaGG-3-34 — Is purchasable during some special events from the Gaijin Store.
  • MBR-2-M-34 — It was introduced during Update 1.57 and was obtainable during the 2016 'Chronicles of World War II' after completing 15 'Aircraft Tasks'.
  • MiG-17AS — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.91 'Night Vision'.
  • MiG-15bis ISH — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.85 'Supersonic'.
  • P-39Q-15 (USSR) — It was obtained for free by players participating in the Alpha testing for Airplanes for a year or more.
  • P-63A-10 (USSR) — This aircraft was introduced in Update 1.41 as one of the 2014 Summertime Madness rewards.
  • P-63C-5 (USSR) — It was a reward for completing the 'Christmas/New Year' quests in the Winter Holiday marathon.
  • Pe-2-205 — It was taken off the Gaijin store after the Clearance sale in November 2016. It has since become hidden from the store.
  • Po-2 — Originally in the game as part of the researchable tree until removed. Has since only been obtainable events, most notably in the 2017 Halloween event and 2018 Halloween event, where the top 1,000 players in the respective tournaments could earn the plane.
  • Pokryshkin's P-39N-0 (USSR) — Available annually for purchase on Alexander Pokryshkin's birthday (19 March).
  • Spitfire Mk IXc (USSR) — Available with special events.
  • Tandem MAI — This aircraft was introduced in Update 1.77 'Advancing Storm' during the 2018 World War Two Chronicles.
  • TB-3M-17-32 — Was given as one of the presents on 2014 War Thunder's Anniversary. Appears occasionally in Warbond Shop.
  • TIS MA — Was obtainable in the 2019 Operation F.R.O.S.T.
  • Tu-2 — It was introduced before Update 1.17 and was obtained for free by players participating in the Closed Beta for Airplanes (2013 or before). The Tu-2 is currently unobtainable.
  • Yak-3T — This aircraft was introduced in Update 1.67 'Assault' during the 2017 World War Two: Chronicle events, unlocked after obtaining 11 Chronicle Awards.

Great Britain

  • Boston Mk I (Great Britain) — It is an event aircraft and can be purchased on the War Thunder market.
  • D.520 (Great Britain) — This aircraft was purchasable in the D.520 Starter Pack, from the Gaijin store.
  • D.521 (Great Britain) — This aircraft was introduced in the game during the Open Beta session during the 13 June 2013 event 'Vive la Liberté!' and remains as an event vehicle today.
  • DB-7 (Great Britain) — Was given as one of the presents on 2014 War Thunder's birthday.
  • Gladiator Mk IIF — Originally in the game as part of the researchable tree until removed.
  • Gladiator Mk IIS — Originally in the game as part of the researchable tree until removed. Was obtainable during the 2015 Gladiator Glory event.
  • Hurricane Mk.I/L FAA M — It was introduced during Update 'Raining Fire' in honour of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
  • Martlet Mk IV — It was introduced in Update 1.79 'Project X' as secondary reward for the 2018 Good Old S.U.M.M.E.R event.
  • MB.5 — It was introduced in Update 1.77 'Advancing Storm'. Currently only available to be purchased on PC platforms. Now discontinued.
  • Meteor F Mk.8 Reaper — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.85 'Supersonic'.
  • Plagis' Spitfire LF Mk IXc
  • Spitfire F Mk IXc
  • Spitfire FR Mk XIVe
  • Typhoon Mk Ib
  • Whirlwind P.9 — This aircraft was introduced in Update 1.77 'Advancing Storm' during the 2018 World War Two Chronicles.
  • Wyvern S4 — Obtainable by purchasing the Wyvern Pack through the Gaijin store.


  • A6M5 Ko — Purchasable in the Gaijin Store in the Japanese Pacific Campaign (1941-1942) pack.
  • F-86F-40 JASDF (Japan) — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.85 'Supersonic'.
  • J6K1 — Was obtainable in the 2019 Operation F.R.O.S.T.
  • Ki-21-I hei — Was obtainable in the 2016 Winter Holiday.
  • Ki-87 — Was obtainable as a purchasable pack in Update 1.63 'Desert Hunters', it was removed from the store after the 2018 US Independence Day sale.
  • Ki-94-II — It was introduced during Update 1.69 'Regia Aeronautica' in the 'Operation S.U.M.M.E.R.' event of 2017 after earning 13 pilot Marks of Distinction.


  • H-81A-2 — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.91 'Night Vision'. Discontinued after 2020 May Sale.
  • Shenyang F-5 — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.91 'Night Vision'.
War Thunder - German Starter Pack


  • CR.32 bis — Was available as a purchasable pack on the Gaijin store from its introduction in Update 1.69 'Regia Aeronautica' before its removal.
  • G.55S — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.69 'Regia Aeronautica'. It was discontinued after the 2019 Summer sales.
  • G.91 R/4 — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.87 'Locked On'.


  • Challe's Yak-9T (France) — Was purchasable for Golden Eagles during the 75th anniversary of the 'Normandie-Niemen', but has since been unavailable to be obtained.
  • D.371 H.S.9 — Was available as a purchasable pack on the Gaijin store from its introduction in Update 1.73 'Vive la France' before its removal in the 2018 Victory Day sale.
  • M.B.152C1 — Was obtainable as a reward during the 2018 Festive Quest event for 5 Christmas toys for pilots.
  • NC.900 — Was obtainable in the 2017 Festive Quest that took place between 22 December 2017 to 22 January 2018 via completing 13 pilot's Christmas toys.
  • S.O.8000 Narval — Was purchasable through the Gaijin Store from its introduction in Update 1.73 'Vive la France' until its removal in the 2019 Victory Day sale.
  • Vautour IIA IDF/AF (France) — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.87 'Locked On'.


  • J29D — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.93 'Shark Attack'.
  • Pyörremyrsky — Obtained as a purchaseable pack since Update 1.93 'Shark Attack'.

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